Circular Economy: Understanding, Willingness to buy Perception.
Environmental and climate protection are becoming ever more important. Circular economy and recycling are two important topics in this context. They affect the capability and costs of packaging production more than ever. But what do consumers understand by circular economy and recycling? How expensive may plastic packaging such as plant pots made of recycled material obtained from the yellow bag or comparable household waste management systems be? Which ecolabels and certificates do consumers trust?
To answer these and other questions, the independent Bremen-based market research institute “konkret” was commissioned to conduct a representative survey. Here you will find the results.

Key findings of the survey.
The results of the study made it particularly clear that recycling is also very important to consumers. Find out the most important findings on topics such as attitude and understanding, preferences and willingness to buy as well as the perception of environmental labels and certificates.
Processing waste from household recycling collections is considered the “right” way of recycling.
When asked about the different types of recycling, 65 % say that packaging made from packaging waste originating from the yellow bag, which is processed by sorting, washing and remelting, best meets their expectations of recycling.
Only 12 % choose packaging made from processed industrial production waste.
Packaging made of material from household recycling collections is sustainable and good for the environment.
62 % of respondents find that this recycled packaging originating from the yellow bag is considered sustainable and good for the environment.
Clearly, these attributes are most associated with this type of recycled packaging.
Responsibility for successful recycling lies with the manufacturer of packaging materials.
36 % of respondents see the manufacturers of packaging materials as having a responsibility to make sure that recycling takes place successfully.
The majority considers a plastic tax to be useful.
The majority of respondents (58 %) consider tax on packaging that is not made of recycled material to be useful.
Consumers are prepared to pay higher prices.
89 % of respondents would be prepared to pay 2 cents more for plant pots made from recycled yellow bin packaging.
73 % of respondents would pay up to 10 cents more.
‘Blue Angel’ is the best known label – and also the most trustworthy.
The ‘Blue Angel’ is the best known label – and also the most trustworthy.
96 % of respondents have already heard of the Blue Angel.
64 % of respondents also know what Blue Angel stands for.
- Data collection: standardised online interviews (CAWI – Computer Assisted Web Interview)
- Questionnaire duration: average 7.57 minutes
- Survey period: 17 to 27 August 2020
- Respondents: 1,003
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