

It is safe to say that we care!

We see occupational safety as a cornerstone of our responsibility for the health of our employees. To prevent accidents at work and work-related illnesses, we have established a company-wide network. The Environmental, Safety and Health Committee is made up of 33 members from management, the heads of supply chain management from the company’s four divisions, one safety expert, our environmental officer, our company doctor, a representative from the works council, the fire and waste officer, the head of facility management and the head of the WERKZEUG-TECHNOLOGIE-ZENTRUM (mould technology centre). In their regular meetings, they continuously develop and initiate measures to improve safety at work within the company.

Number of reportable accidents at work per 1,000 full-time employees.


Accidents that cause more than three days of absence are considered as reportable.

Corporate health management

Our employee benefits include a wide range of provisions that have a positive effect on the health of our staff. A concept for comprehensive occupational health management is currently under development.

By offering future-oriented, preventative services to maintain our employees’ ability to work, we assume social responsibility with the aim of reducing sick leave and increasing job satisfaction. Our current range of health-promoting services includes measures in the field of exercise (including subsidised gym sessions at Hansefit und Qualitrain, stretch classes in plant 1 during working hours, subsidies for bicycle or e-bike leasing), nutrition (including fresh salads and muesli every day, apple week, water dispensers), mental health (collaboration with counselling service Talino EAP GmbH, which Pöppelmann employees can use anonymously and free of charge even for conflict situations in their personal lives) and medical care through our company doctor.

An integral part of our healthcare provision is the company’s legendary “God’s Pharmacy”, which Gertrud Pöppelmann introduced in the 1980s. Company employees can stock up on a wide range of naturopathic juices, ointments, tinctures, creams and teas free of charge.

All in all, we have set ourselves the goal of meaningfully linking and expanding our measures in the area of workplace health promotion. This also applies to our concept of legally prescribed integration management, which aims to help employees overcome incapacity to work following long illnesses and keep them healthy and fit for work in the long run.

More in the GRI report:

Learning for life

The high expectations we have concerning the quality of our work are inextricably linked to the high value we place on education.


We promote local cohesion.

Joint activities, meetings, discussions, reliable support in difficult situations – all of this promotes a sense of community and thus cohesion amongst the people around us.


Fresh salad and muesli for 40 cents.

A Pöppelmann story about a meal made from real wholemeal grain, classic salad recipes that have been honed to perfection over decades and the wholefood mission of our legendary boss.
